Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hummer Penis Enlargement t shirt

Wouldn't it be cheaper to just pay for a penis enlargement t shirt
Penis enlargement Hummer t shirt

Hey, a penis enlargement probably would be cheaper, but what do I know. You probably think getting 6 miles to the gallon is cool. Screw the environment, right? Just as long as you look good. Conspicuous consumption, anyone. Funny t shirt, just a touch offensive.

Laughing my ass off t shirt

Laughing my ass off. I thought it was just an expression t shirt
I thought it was just an expression
Funny t shirt with a lot of attitude. You thought LMAO was just an expression, didn't you? And so did this poor girl, but she found out different. And now her life is so much worse . . . finding pants for the a-less, figuring out that her friends are l-ing behind her back. Poor girl. Funny t shirt.

Featured T shirt: College Chimp

College:Even a chimp can do it
College:Even a chimp can do it

Featured t shirt of the month is great for your college sweetie, or college-bound son or daughter. Chimp is drinking a beer, smoking a cigar and clutching money in his hand. Because what do you think they're doing up there in college, anyway? Certainly not going to class. Great funny vintage style tee shirt, only $13.99. Click on the picture to take you to the website.